Big idea: In the new creation, relationships between God, us and nature will be finally restored.
Ready for Impact (5 mins)
Take time to catch up, and welcome any newcomers.
How the universe will end is a topic of speculation among physicists. The most popular theory at present is ‘heat death’, a scenario in which the universe continues to expand and cool indefinitely, eventually reaching a state of maximum entropy where all matter is evenly distributed.
- If this was where our universe was headed, what would that mean for human progress? How would you feel about that?
Ask someone to pray to commit your time together to the Lord.
Impacted by the Word (20 mins)
Read Revelation 21:1-22:5.
- There will be a ‘new heavens and a new earth’. Why is it significant that it’s a physical new earth? How would we think differently about the universe now if the new creation were purely spiritual?
Divide into groups and get Genesis 2 open in front of you as well as Revelation 21-22.
- In what ways is the new Jerusalem like Eden? How is it different?
(Hint: compare Gen 1:26 with Rev 22:5, Gen 2:9 with Rev 22:2, Gen 2:10-14 with Rev 22:1, Gen 2:12 with Rev 21:18-20, Gen 2:15/3:8 with Rev 22:3-4).
Feed back what you noticed.
Back as a big group, discuss:
- The Bible begins with a garden, and ends with a garden city. What does this suggest about human scientific and technological progress?
- What would your discipline be like if there were no more death, suffering or sin (21:4)?
- Suffering will only end in the new creation. How does this help us be realistic about what we can expect from science now?
- What do you think John means when he writes about ‘the glory and honour of the nations’ being brought into the city in v26?
Michael Wilcock comments on this verse in ‘The Message of Revelation’: ‘All that is truly good and beautiful in this world will reappear there, purified and enhanced in the perfect setting its Maker intended for it; nothing of real value is lost.’
- How does this encourage you as you consider your work now and look forward to your future career?
Impacting our Hearts (10 mins)
Reflect back over all you've learned during this series, on your own or as a group.
- From this series of studies, what has stood out to you the most? How has your understanding of your degree subject changed?
Impacting the University
As a group, what could you do to let more people in your science faculty know about the good news of the gospel?
Check out this page for ideas: Mobilizing your Hub for mission - Hubs - UCCF Science Network
Why not make some plans together for a Meal with a Message or other outreach event?
Wrap up
Thank everyone for coming, and let people know that you've reached the end of this 'Science and Scripture' series.
Agree what next steps you'll take towards any plans you've made for doing evangelism as a group.
If this is your last meeting of the year, encourage people to connect up with the Science Network over the summer by joining the mailing list or connecting on social media. Share any plans you have for next year!
Further resources
If you want to explore this week's topic further, take a look at:
The Message of Creation, David Wilkinson, section 'The fulfilment of creation'