God is sovereign in creation, revelation, redemption and final judgement.
Everything we study as scientists is made and sustained by God. From the rotation of galaxies to the Brownian motion of dust particles, all things move according to His plan.
Among scientists who do believe in some kind of God, a common philosophy is Deism: the idea that God wound things up like clockwork at the beginning and left the universe to tick along without His involvement. But this is an inadequate view of God's sovereignty. Colossians 1 tell us that right now, 'all things hold together' in the same Christ through whom all things were made.
God is not just sovereignly working where there are gaps in our scientific knowledge - but in everything that science understands too. Every movement of every atom, every transfer of energy, is under his active control. Even those things in nature that seem cruel or unfair - disease, natural disasters, extinctions - we can trust that God is sovereignly overseeing.
God's sovereignty in creation means that everything has a purpose. In biology, we're taught to think in terms of blind evolution - new features come into existence at random and stick around because they work, not because they have a purpose. But God's sovereignty in creation means that everything He does in the world is purposeful. Whatever our take on the mechanism of God's creation, we can be confident that all things were made with purpose.
When it comes to revelation, God is sovereign over general revelation (what we know just by looking at the world) as well as special revelation (what is revealed to us by Scripture and the Spirit). What we know through science, we know because God ordains and allows it! Part of the purpose of everything we look at in the lab is that we would see God's glory revealed in it. From the intricacies of the tiniest cell to the mathematical complexity of a rocket launch, everything in science shows us something about our God who made it all. Let's give thanks for all that God has allowed us to discover through science about the amazing world we live in, and the amazing Creator who made it!