Big idea: Science is God’s good idea to help us relate to him and his creation.
Ready for Impact (10 mins)
Take time to welcome any newcomers and catch up on the past week (over drinks or snacks if possible).
Discuss: What questions do you and your classmates have about science and faith? (You might want to write the questions down, so you can see how many have been tackled by the end of this study series, and whether you want to follow up any major questions that haven’t been answered with some of the further resources.)
Pray a short prayer, asking for the wisdom and insight to have a helpful discussion that informs our lives on campus.
Impacted by the Word, part 1 (10 mins)
The aim of this series is not to answer every question, but to lay some foundations for a helpful discussion. Today we’re going to think about what a theology of science might look like, as a basis from which we can explore all our questions about science and faith.
Read out this quote from geneticist Prof Georgia Dunston:
"The science of the human genome beautifully reflects Biblical themes of human identity. It affirms our belief in a human population that is incredibly diverse, yet undoubtedly one: created in God’s image, redeemed by Jesus’ blood, and united by the Holy Spirit in the renewing and reconciling work of the Church."
Then watch this short video of Prof Jeff Hardin, a biologist who is also a Christian.
Setting aside your questions for a moment, which parts of the quote and video inspire you as a science student who is a Christian/curious about Christian faith?
Impacted by the Word, part 2 (15 mins)
Divide into pairs and share out these passages:
- Genesis 1:31a
- Psalm 8:1
- Psalm 19:1-4
- Job 12:7-9
- Genesis 1:28 & Philippians 2: 5-8
- Romans 5:3-5
- Matthew 5:15-16
Discuss: According to God, what is science for? How do these verses help us build a theology of science?
Share your main conclusions with the group and write them down on a big piece of paper (or similar).
Compare your answers with this simple outline:
We do science because…
... it’s valuable in itself.
- Creation is very good: it glorifies & praises God
- We love God, God loves his creation, so therefore we love his creation too
... it’s useful.
- The things we learn about creation can inspire us to worship and teach us wisdom
- Scientific knowledge helps us tend and keep creation wisely, and care for other people
- The lab is a crucible for character formation and a place to practice Christ-like principles
Impacting Our Hearts (10 mins)
Discuss: Thinking about your own subject, and your experiences on your course so far, which parts of the theology of science are most important for you at the moment? Are there any you’d like to think more about?
Impacting the University (12 mins)
Discuss: How might the perspective we’ve just explored influence discussions about science and faith in science departments and labs on campus?
If you’re running all the sessions in a six-week block:
Discuss: what sci-fi film would you like to watch at the evangelistic movie night in the final session? (see the session plan for tips on what movies would work well!)
If you're running the sessions across the whole year, make a note of when you're going to plan the movie night.
Wrap up (3 mins)
Thank everyone for coming and ask someone to thank God for your time together in prayer.
Next week’s session is called Myth Busting and will involve looking at some of the most common sources of controversy around science and faith, and why the discussion is more nuanced and more interesting than people think.
See you soon!
Further resources
If you want to explore this week's topic further, take a look at:
What is Science For?
What does the gospel have to do with science?
Science & the Church
Top 10 Questions about Science and Christianity
Wonders of the Living World