Big idea: For scientists in the church, doing science is an important part of how they are called to worship God.
Ready for Impact (15 mins)
Take time to welcome any newcomers and catch up on the past week (over drinks or snacks if possible).
Pray a short prayer, asking for the wisdom and insight to have a helpful discussion that informs our lives on campus.
Show this photo of the entrance of the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge (the university’s physics department).

Written across the door is Psalm 111:2:
‘Great are the works of the Lord;
they are pondered by all who delight in them.’
Discuss: Can you think of a time when your studies have prompted you to worship?
Impacted by the Word, part 1 (15 mins)
Read: Romans 12:1, Colossians 3:23-24
Discuss: How might the day-to-day activities of studying or doing science be understood as acts of worship? How does that principle work out when your studies are hard as well as when they’re going well?
(Hint: think back to the theology of science that you discussed in session 1).
Impacted by the Word, part 2 (15 mins)
Read: Genesis 1:26-31
God’s command to humanity to fill the earth and subdue it is often known as the ‘creation mandate’.
Discuss: How does your field of study, used well, help us to fulfil our creation mandate responsibly?
Impacting Our Hearts (15 mins)
Watch this video of astrophysicist and theologian Prof David Wilkinson sharing how the church can encourage scientists.
Discuss: Have you seen any good examples of churches celebrating scientists in their congregation? How can we encourage the church to be more supportive of scientists and science students?
Impacting the University (10 mins)
Watch this compilation of 10 leading scientists talking about science and faith.
Discuss: How would you like to see Christians in the sciences continuing to have an impact on the university? What part might you have to play?
Wrap up (5 mins)
Thank everyone for coming and ask someone to thank God for your time together in prayer.
The next session is the movie night. Spend a bit of time making practical plans and praying for friends you’ve invited. If you haven’t already invited some friends to come along, now’s your chance.
See you soon!
Further resources
If you want to explore this week's topic further, take a look at:
Thinking about science as a Christian vocation
How can I glorify God as a scientist?
Interviews with Christian scientists on how they relate their science to Jesus:
God in the Lab: How Science Enhances Faith, Ruth Bancewicz
Test of FAITH: Spiritual Journeys With Scientists, Ruth Bancewicz