Big idea: God is reconciling all things to himself in Christ.
Ready for Impact (10 mins)
Take time to catch up as a group and welcome any newcomers.
Many of the stories we love feature a moment of reconciliation or reunion at the climax. (Think of Darth Vader’s death in Star Wars, or when the hobbits make it back from Mordor in the Lord of the Rings!)
Do you have a favourite reconciliation or reunion scene? Why do you think we find these moments so powerful?
Ask someone to pray for your time together.
Impacted by the Word (15 mins)
Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-21.
- What does Paul say has happened to those who are in Christ? (v14, 17, 21).
Take a look at the following passages, alongside v19.
- Colossians 1:15-20
- Romans 8:19-21
- How is the redemption of humanity also good news for the rest of creation?
Read the following quote. On a blank piece of paper, draw the four relationships (or print off the attached worksheet).
‘The Bible describes four human relationships, the first of which sets the tone for the others: God-people, people-people, people-themselves, and people-nature…. If the Fall led to four broken relationships, the atonement can lead to four full repairs.’
- What do we miss out on if we only think of redemption as fixing the first broken relationship (God-people)?
Look back at v18-21 and discuss the following questions:
- Now that we have been reconciled to God, what role do believers have in God’s reconciliation project?
- We saw in session 2 that part of the purpose of science is to help us rule and care for creation. How might science also contribute to our part in God’s reconciliation project? (Hint: consider the four relationships broken by the Fall, and where science might help in restoring each of them).
Impacting our Hearts (10 mins)
- How does your own field of science contribute to the restoration of relationships broken by the Fall?
- How does thinking of your field in these terms give you motivation when studying is hard work?
Impacting the University (15 mins)
- What that you’ve thought about today is good news for people in your department?
- What would it mean for you to be an ambassador for Christ in your faculty this week? Where will you need prayer as you live out that role?
Pray for one another as you go into your faculties as Christ’s ambassadors. You might want to share specific people to pray for, or particular contexts where sharing the gospel feels difficult.
Wrap up
Thank everyone for coming, and share the date of your next meeting (the final session in this series!)
In the final session, we'll look forward to the new creation as we open up Revelation, to see how the big story of science and Scripture ends (or is it the beginning?)
Further resources
If you want to explore this week's topic further, take a look at:
Book review: Creation Regained, Al Wolters
Let There Be Science!, Tom McLeish & David Hutchings