Big idea: Sin is destructive not just for us, but for the natural world too.
Ready for Impact (10 mins)
Take time to welcome any newcomers and catch up on the past week (over drinks or snacks if possible).
- What would your coursemates say is the biggest problem with the world?
Pray a short prayer, asking for the wisdom and insight to have a helpful discussion that informs our lives on campus.
Impacted by the Word, part 1 (10 mins)
Read Isaiah 44:12-20.
- What is foolish or ironic about the idol-maker’s actions?
- Think back to what we saw last time in Genesis 1 and 2. How are God, humanity and nature meant to relate to one another?
- How does idolatry disrupt these relationships? (Hint: see Romans 1:18-25!)
Impacting the University (10 mins)
- What created things do people in your field worship? (Hint: think about technology, intellect, status, money…)
- How is worship of this idol destructive? How might you help people around you see that God is a much better object of worship?
Impacted by the Word, part 2 (10 mins)
Read Isaiah 24:1-6a.
- How would you describe the scene Isaiah depicts in v1-4?
- What’s the cause of this devastation?
In smaller groups, look up the following passages:
- Genesis 3:17-19
- Deuteronomy 28:9-24
- Numbers 35:33-34, Jeremiah 3:1-3
- How do these passages connect human sin with the fate of the natural world?
- Remember what you said earlier about how God, humanity and nature are meant to relate to one another. How does this help explain the impact that human disobedience has on nature?
Impacting our Hearts (10 mins)
- How does science help us see the effects of the Fall on the rest of creation?
- As Christians, how should we respond when we see the impact of human sin on nature?
Pray together, using the prayer below to confess your sins before God (you might want to all read it aloud together, or pray quietly in a moment of silence). Pray that people on your course would turn away from idols and worship the true God instead.
Almighty God, Maker of all things,
We confess that we have disobeyed your laws, violated your statutes, and broken your everlasting covenant. We have worshipped created things rather than our Creator. We have brought a curse upon the earth because our of guilt.
We are sorry and repent.
In your mercy, remember us and redeem us. Sweep away our sins like the morning mist, that your glory may be displayed in your people and that the whole earth might exalt your name.
Based on Isaiah 24 and 44
Wrap up
Thank everyone for coming, and let people know the date of your next meeting.
In the next session, we'll be jumping ahead to the New Testament to see what happens when God shows up in person to reverse the curse.
Further resources
If you want to explore this week's topic further, take a look at:
The Message of Creation, David Wilkinson, chapter on Genesis 3