Big idea: Humans are created in God’s image to rule and take care of his world – including by doing science!
Ready for Impact (5 mins)
Welcome everyone, and introduce yourselves if there are any newcomers.
Read the following quote:
‘It may well be… that the extinction of humanity would make the world better off.’
- What do you make of the idea that the world would be better off if humans didn’t exist?
Impacted by the Word, part 1 (10 mins)
Pray for God's help, then read Genesis 1:26-31.
- According to Genesis, what was God’s reason for creating humankind in his image? How does this help us understand what being made in God’s image means?
- Some have argued that a Christian understanding of humans having ‘dominion’ over nature is the cause of the environmental crisis. Do you think this is fair?
- What would it look like to ‘rule over’ and ‘subdue’ creation in a way that truly reflects God’s character? (Think about what you saw about God’s relationship to creation in the previous study!)
- What unique roles do scientists have to play in this work of ruling creation?
Impacted by the Word, part 2 (10 mins)
Read Genesis 2:4-20.
- In verse 7, God makes the man from dust – the same material as the rest of creation. What difference does this make to how we should think about the natural world?
- God calls his creation ‘very good’, but the ground still needs to be worked (v5, v15). What might that suggest God wants to see happen? (Hint: you could also think about what God might want people to do with the gold, resin and onyx in v12).
- In v19-20, Adam names the animals. What is the significance of naming in science? What gets named in your field?
Impacting our Hearts (10 mins)
- As well as working in the garden, Adam and Eve enjoyed God’s presence in the garden with them (3:8). What might it feel like to work in the garden with the Creator of everything right beside you?
- How might a greater awareness of God’s presence with you by his Spirit impact the way you experience your day-to-day work and study?
Impacting the University (10 mins)
Workshop in pairs:
- If you asked one of your coursemates why science is worth doing, what might they say?
- How does what we’ve seen so far provide a better motivation for doing science?
Feed back what you discussed to the group
Wrap up
Thank everyone for coming and make sure they know the date of your next meeting.
In the previous study, references to death and sin at the end of Psalm 104 hinted at the idea that all is not right with the world. In the next study, we consider the impact of human rebellion on the natural world and the ways that we misuse our God-given role as stewards.
Further resources
If you want to explore this week's topic further, take a look at:
In The Image of God, Tim Keller (sermon)
Created in God's Image, Anthony Hoekema
Start here, but don’t get stuck here: What I learned from spending a term in Genesis 1-3