Studying science? Love Jesus? If that’s you, you don’t want to miss the Science Network Autumn Gathering. Each October, we gather Christian students in the sciences from all across the UK to think together about how following Jesus makes all the difference to how we do science. Come and meet other students, learn from scientists at the top of their fields, and be equipped to serve Christ in your faculty in the year ahead.
Autumn Gathering 2024
Date: Saturday 19th October
Time: 11am-5pm (followed by optional pub trip)
Venue: All Souls Clubhouse, W1T 6QG
Cost: £15 in advance, £20 on the day
Contact: For more information, email Emma on
The gathering features both undergraduate and postgraduate tracks. Lunch is included in the cost of your ticket.
Want to find out more before you book? Read a report from last year's Autumn Gathering.